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Welcome to BankGround πŸ’Ά

BankGround a Banking Playground! πŸ’Άβ›ΉοΈβ›ΉοΈβ€β™€οΈ

Learn to...

Use BankGround to learn

  • REST/OpenAPI and
  • GraphQL APIs.

You can grasp APIs while

with a simple and easily understandable API.


The API is accompanied by a hands-on tutorial that will guide you through the API. You will learn how to use REST and GraphQL APIs, how to authenticate, and how to use the API. At the end, you will be able to compare REST and GraphQL APIs.

Whether you are learning about APIs, programming an API client, or starting to test APIs, you will find BankGround helpful.

How to use BankGround? πŸ€”

  • BankGround running at πŸš€ The API base URL is, so your API request URL will be e.g.
  • Get the source code on GitLab, run the container and experiment πŸ§ͺ with your own instance.

Whether you are learning about APIs, programming an API client, or starting to test APIs, I hope you will find BankGround helpful and appreciate your feedback.
